Welcome to Knowledge First!
Have you ever taught a fact or idea to your students, only to find when test time comes around very few of them remember it?
Or have you promised yourself this was the year you would do more review to help students retain information, but there just never seems to be enough time?
If you answered “yes” or if you are simply interested in how to improve the way you or your school apply the science of learning in the classroom, you are in the right place.
Cognitive science research tells us students must have discipline-specific background knowledge to think critically about a subject.
Let me give you an example.
Imagine I asked you to read a speech by the speaker of the House of Representatives dated October, 2001. If you are of a certain age, you would immediately recognize the significance of the September 11 attacks, the fact that George W. Bush was president, and the fear of additional acts of terrorism that gripped the country. You would know that the two major political parties in the United States were Republicans and Democrats. This background knowledge would help you understand, interpret and think critically about the document.
I need my students to be able to call to mind a similar set of facts for every date from 1492-2000. That is a lot of background knowledge!
If you are preparing students to read rigorous texts, write sophisticated essays and evaluate complex arguments, you need a plan to equip your students with the background knowledge they will need.
I can help you do that.
Teaching knowledge first has led my students to achieve extraordinary results. The goal of this twice-monthly newsletter is to help your students do the same. In each edition, I will explore the research behind our knowledge-first philosophy and share lessons I have learned about applying the science of learning in my AP® US History classroom.
Please read the first edition of the newsletter below and subscribe. To learn more about me and browse available resources, visit our website.
Thank you for reading!
Ben Katcher